Cell Line Storage and Cell Banking

Your hybridoma cell lines are valuable and, most likely, irreplaceable. Don’t risk depleting or losing your cell stocks – QED Bioscience will create non-GMP frozen cell banks of your precious cell lines and ship them to you or safely store them in liquid nitrogen freezers in our facility. As a leading manufacturer of monoclonal antibody products for 24 years, our business depends on safe and secure storage of our own hybridoma cell lines. We guarantee that your cell lines will be given the same level of care we give to ours.

Cell Banking

10-vial cell bank $360.00
50-vial cell bank $1,600.00
100-vial cell bank $2,750.00
Shipment of cell lines to Client
(international freight additional)

Cell banks are created from 1-2 frozen vials of your cell line. Please note: all cell lines entering QED’s facility must be certified negative for Mycoplasma contamination; we can accept your testing data, or we can test your cell lines and provide a report of results (see Mycoplasma Testing service).

After generating cell numbers required for the size cell bank you need, cells are suspended in cell freezing medium and transferred to cryogenic vials (>106cells per vial). Vials are taken through a careful freezing process before transfer to liquid nitrogen freezers.  You can either have your cell banks delivered to you or store them at QED (see Cell Line Storage below).

Cell Line Storage

Annual storage fee $17.50 per vial/year

You may send frozen vials of cells that you currently have at your facility, or we will create vials of cells for you (see Cell Banking above). Cell lines are stored in liquid nitrogen freezers in a secure area of QED’s facility and are accessible only by authorized personnel. Cell lines submitted to QED for storage remain the property of the depositor, and they will be released only to the company or individual for whom the deposit was made unless authorized otherwise by the depositor.  You may request delivery of vials to you or have us discard vials at any time.  Cell line storage is billed annually.

If you require a Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) in order to send your cell lines to QED, we can use your organization’s MTA, or we can provide one to you.

Don’t see the service that you need? Have Questions?

Simply call us at 800-929-2114 — chances are we can help.