Neutrophil Elastase and Cancer

Neutrophil elastase (NE) expression and activity is up-regulated in numerous cancer types.  In lung cancers (squamous cell, non-small-cell, and adenocarcinoma), elevated serological NE positively correlates with disease state and disease progression.  Similarly, NE appears up-regulated in cases of colon adenocarcinoma, breast cancer, and in several mouse models of cancer.  Proposed mechanisms for pro-tumorigenic effects of NE include stimulation of membrane receptors which leads to mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling and downstream effects, inhibition of tumor suppressors, and acceleration of metastatic spread (see review by Lerman and Hammes Steroids. 2018 May; 133: 96–101).  Taken together, neutrophil elastase can be an informative cancer biomarker and may be an effective therapeutic target, and QED is proud to offer top-quality Anti-Neutrophil Elastase monoclonal antibodies to support this research.

Neutrophil Elastase Antibodies
