Hybridoma Optimization

If you have a hybridoma that has diminished in levels of antibody production, no longer grows well, or if monoclonality is in question, QED’s hybridoma optimization services of re-cloning or re-fusion can establish new clones that are selected for optimal growth and maximum antibody productivity.


Have you observed levels of antibody produced by your hybridomas have steadily decreased over time?  This could be because:

  • Some cells within the population have become “non-producers”. Since non-producing cells have a growth advantage over cells actively producing antibody, the proportion of non-producing cells can increase with increased passages.
  • The cell line isn’t monoclonal.  In many cases, this is difficult to determine, but if you feel that this is a possibility, the “correct” clone within the cell stock can be isolated by subcloning. 

QED will rigorously subclone your hybridomas with our in-house limiting dilution protocol and identify new monoclonal cell lines selected for maximum antibody productivity.  A small amount of target antigen (~1mg) is required to test new clones for antibody production, or supernatant samples collected from new clones may be sent to you for testing in your laboratory (shipping charges will apply).  This service includes a 10-vial cell bank of a newly selected clone.

$2,775.00 per hybridoma


Immortality of hybridoma cell lines is a property of myeloma cells that are fused to antibody-specific B cells.   If your hybridoma no longer grows well, that might be a symptom of instability, and re-fusing a hybridoma to new myeloma cells can help.  QED will re-fuse your hybridoma to two different myeloma cell lines and establish new monoclonal cell lines for you that are selected for optimal growth as well as antibody production.  A small amount of target antigen (~2mg) is required to test parental re-fusion cultures and subsequent subclones, or supernatant samples collected from parental hybridomas and subclones may be sent to you for testing in your laboratory (shipping charges will apply).  This service includes a 10-vial cell bank of a newly selected clone.

Hybridoma re-fusion $5,580.00 per hybridoma
Re-fusion analysis $3,420.00 per re-fusion

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